Original Art By mSK

‘‘Stay Connected’’

Size: 80 cm * 60 cm

Acrylics, Mixed media, Ink, and Pastels on Canvas

December 2022

€ 750


‘‘’There is no compulsion is religion’’ The verse enjoins Muslims in the clearest and strongest of words not to resort to force for converting non-Muslims to Islam. The English details in paintings are from the Holy Quran and the sayings of the promised messiah (peace upon him). The teachings of the founder of Ahmadiyya community are merely based on brotherhood, love, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. The message in this painting is clear that anyone who sincerely desires to see the truth can easily see it; but if there is a person who does not desire to see it, no force can possibly make him do so. One only needs to point out its beauties to non-Muslims; it rests with them to accept it or reject it as they like. The message of our community is ‘’LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE’’

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